WebGUI Users Conference, day 2

colink on 2007-10-21T19:25:10

Wednesday evening, I came down with a bad cold. It felt like someone was cooking my sinuses from the inside out. I took a 3 hour nap, then couldn't fall asleep again until 2:00am, then slept through Chris Dolan's Perl Critic talk, as well as the talks about using YUI and cool javascript UI tricks.

I felt well enough to make the hackathon Thursday night, though. The automated test runs are back up and going, we improved test coverage on WebGUI User a few points, and I learned a lot about Apache::Test. It would be a lot simpler to have a real request object, rather than all the Test::MockObject hackery and request emulation that we do.

Doug has a branch where he's working on the new Photo Gallery Asset that has some new way of accessing the Asset's output directly, rather than running it through mod_perl. This is cool, of course, but it still isn't testing the whole flow.

The WRE has its own test suite. It would be good to have it added to the automatic nightly test run.

It has been a long time since I ran the full test suite through Devel::Cover. It's time to do it again.