Tcl Version

coke on 2005-12-30T14:09:23

Committed a patch last night changing some tests to expect error messages that are nowhere to seen in tcl 8.4, which prompted some confusion.

Just added a comment to partcl's README which will hopefully explain:

Note that we are targetting Tcl's cvs-latest, which is going to be 8.5. This allows us to test against what will likely be state of the art by the time we approach completion. As we get closer to that day, we'll probably settle down and code against the most recent version (which hopefully won't be 9.x by then).

This has the disadvantage that for side by side testing, you'll need to build your own tcl. Partcl users don't need to worry about this, and even most partcl developers can simply code against the test suite.

A question

sigzero on 2005-12-30T16:29:04

Is there somewhere I can readup on partcl? A wiki or web page out there?

I do some Tcl things as well as Perl and just was curious about your project.

Re:A question

coke on 2006-01-06T17:31:33

Right now the best source of documentation is probably checked into svn: (top level files there, and the docs directory)

Matt Diephouse and I are also on #parrot on frequently, feel free to ping us there.