I don't even know where to begin...
The whole experience was wonderful, amazing, and fantastic.
I don't think I've ever been to a country that feels so civilized, organized, safe, and polite.
Some people have asked me whether I'd go back to Japan...
Well, my friends...
It's not a matter of "if", it's just a matter of "when".
Some big thank-you's:
The organizers
Miyagawa-san, you guys rock!
The sandwiches and the noodles soup was great, but you guys really went over the top with that fabulous sushi dinner.
The only reason I flew back to Portugal instead of rolling here was because I'd probably end up in Australia (which wouldn't be a bad thing, but $work was waiting for me).
The attendees
I've been very well treated everywhere I've been to, but Japanese people are so very, very polite, and I just couldn't find an exception to this rule.
I also met some Coreans there which made me think this is probably not something limited to Japan, but likely to be the state of mind in a considerable part of Asia.
Thank you so much to everyone.
The speakers
Oh yeah.
The selection of speakers was very, very good.
Thanks, guys.
/user/ Pleased to meet you... Hope you guess my name... ~/
Marty and Karen Pauley
My wonderful hosts, Marty and Karen Pauley.
You guys were great :-)
There's a place here in Portugal where I go to when I need to find peace of mind.
Your house and company has the same effect. I'd go there more often, if it just weren't so far.
Thanks for taking me to all those places, including Kamakura, Yokohama and, of course, the /(a?)mazing/ Karaoke bar ;-)
Thank you so, so very much.
And I'll see you two again in... Oh, a couple of hours! I have to pick you up at the airport, for the Portuguese Perl Workshop :-)
My turn to be the host :-)
Casey, Chastity and Schwern (who also stayed at the Pauley's)
You guys were great to hang around with :-)
Schwern, if I end up addicted to EVE Online, it's all your fault (and a bit of Adam's too).