Portuguese Perl Workshop 2008

cog on 2008-02-11T21:48:25

It's true! It's going to happen!

June 6th and 7th (a Friday and a Saturday), in Braga, Portugal.

brian d foy is going to be there and he will also be lecturing two days of Intermediate Perl Programming on the 4th and on the 5th (and we could also tell you which days of the week those are, but instead we'll just let you guess). Other national and foreign speakers are also expected (there's already some movement on DOPPLR).

What did you say? A website? Of course we have a website, don't be ridiculous... Now, where did we put it? Ah, here it is!

You may want to subscribe our feed, since that's the place where the CFP and other announcements are supposed to show up.

Also, spread the word!

See you in Braga ;-)