Damian Conway in Portugal - Intermediate OO Perl

cog on 2007-07-11T17:11:18

Damian Conway, one of the world's most renowned members of the Perl community (as a programmer, CPAN author, writer and speaker), is coming, once again, to Portugal, this August, 20th and 21st, to lecture his Intermediate Object Oriented Perl course, in an event organized and sponsored by log.

Apart from being one of the people pointing Perl 6 in the right direction, Damian is the author of the much appraised "Object Oriented Perl" and "Perl Best Practices" books. He is also the creator of some astounding CPAN modules, including Getopt::Euclid, IO::Prompt, Lingua::Romana::Perligata, Parse::RecDescent, Smart::Comments, Switch and Text::Autoformat.

More information on the event can be attained in log's webpage (in Portuguese) or by contacting eventos at log dot pt directly.