Éric Cholet

cog on 2007-01-15T17:41:23

Éric Cholet runs about 25 lists for the French mongers (mongueurs.net), and 7 lists for YEF (yapceurope.org).

Apart from that, he's also the moderator for all @perl.org lists, listed here (sure, some of those probably rarely get mail, but still, they're well over 200, and I know for a fact that some of them have really high traffic).

This afternoon I sent an email to one of those mailing lists, asking what one would have to do to subscribe somebody else to it.

23 minutes later, Éric replied with the information requested.

Moderating the Lisbon.pm mailing list, I know how hard it can be to simply moderate one of those lists.

Éric's doing it for over two hundreds of them.

I guess it shows why he got the White Camel :-)

And apache.org

rafael on 2007-01-16T08:18:48

I think Eric moderates some lists for apache.org too. Busy man :)