Ãâ°ric Cholet runs about 25 lists for the French mongers (mongueurs.net), and 7 lists for YEF (yapceurope.org).
Apart from that, he's also the moderator for all @perl.org lists, listed here (sure, some of those probably rarely get mail, but still, they're well over 200, and I know for a fact that some of them have really high traffic).
This afternoon I sent an email to one of those mailing lists, asking what one would have to do to subscribe somebody else to it.
23 minutes later, Ãâ°ric replied with the information requested.
Moderating the Lisbon.pm mailing list, I know how hard it can be to simply moderate one of those lists.
Ãâ°ric's doing it for over two hundreds of them.
I guess it shows why he got the White Camel :-)