But, but... I'm wearing headphones!!!

cog on 2005-12-30T10:56:37

Why people talk to me while I'm wearing headphones beats the hell out of me...

And twice it has happened the last two days, on the bus stop. Both times it was an old lady (a different lady each time) (I guess they don't know what headphones are).

To be read with a loud striding voice: "Está um frio de rachar!"

Which I'll translate as "It's so cold that my voice got like this!"

OK, so it isn't a litteral translation :-) But hey, it's a typical Portuguese expression which I'd have trouble translating anyway, but OK, here's an attempt: "It's so cold that my bones are cracking."


- "Do you know if the 22 stops here?"

- (I took the headphones out in time and manage to understand it) "Yes, it does."

And then a bus stops and from here on she keeps on speaking but I can't hear what she's saying due to the noise of the engine.

She stops speaking at the precise moment the bus leaves...

It was weird.