Read my journal and have a chocolate

cog on 2005-12-12T10:30:15

I've always been interested (as anyone, I guess) in how many people actually read my journal.

Here's what I'll do today (and possibly in some conferences, if it works as intended):

On the bottom of this entry there will be a series of expressions.

Come to me during the day and say one of them. If you're the first to say that one, you get a chocolate :-)


Rule #1: don't tell anyone about this. People will not get chocolate if they're forwarded to my journal by someone else... unless they start crying or sobbing... :-)

Rule #2: if possible, say the expression in front of as many people as possible, and as loud as you can. If there's no one around who hasn't got a chocolate yet, you won't get a chocolate; if people can't hear you, you won't get a chocolate :-)

Now, since the words (in Portuguese, this time) are pretty stupid, this is bound to be a very interesting day, particularly when people who really don't know what's going on start trying to say stupid words too, just to see if something (me giving them chocolate) happens :-)

Here's the list:

rabanetes estereofélicos macaquinhos de collans pantufinhas de menina pijaminhas cor-de-rosa motoristas piquininos abracinhos da branca de neve

This is bound to be a *very* interesting day O:-)

(offer limited to the availability of chocolate; limited to one chocolate per person; non cumulative with other offers)

Nhami nhami

include on 2005-12-12T10:41:35

I already gained one :-)

"...pantufinhas de menina..."

Re:Nhami nhami

cog on 2005-12-12T10:50:12

And you guys should've seen the looks on our other co-workers' faces :-D

motoristas piquininos

jmm on 2005-12-12T15:05:51


(I'm yelling in hopes that you'll hear this all the way from Toronto. Hope my lack of ability to speak Portuguese does not cause a problem in comprehension. At least I said it loud enough for a large number of people on use.perl to have heard me, modulo their lack of comprehending Portuguese.)

Re:motoristas piquininos

jmm on 2005-12-12T15:11:45

By the way, I chose that particular phrase because I had some recognition of both of the words. Piquininos was mentioned in "Children of the Mind" (the fourth book in the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card) as the basis of the nickname of one of the children. Motoristas are, obviously, terrorists that use motor vehicles as their weapon - i.e. about one out of every four people I pass on the highway.

Re:motoristas piquininos

cog on 2005-12-12T15:28:09

"Piquininos" actually has a typo, on purpose, so that the accent is funnier :-) "Pequenino" derives from "pequeno", and both mean "small, or "short".

"Motorista" means "driver" :-)

So you chose "short drivers", but kind of in child-say. Unfortunately for you, somebody else on IRC had already tried that one! :-D

You wouldn't believe how much fun I'm having with all this :-)

This remind me of the Hungarian Phrase book ...

n1vux on 2005-12-12T18:01:45

"My Hovercraft is full of eels."

Although Camel-spotting is the lead in to the all time great zipper line, "Oh, You're no fun anymore!", which is decidedly inappropriate in this thread ...

Geographical constraints

jbodoni on 2005-12-12T22:03:01

"No thank you, I am allergic to shellfish"

From Missouri

I don't read your journal...

bart on 2005-12-13T23:25:35

... as I won't get a chocolate.