Moving sucks. Five weeks later, there are still boxes and books lying all over my office. At least my housemates aren't any better. It's really cut into my motivation and coding abilities, though. Let's not talk about non-day-job writings, either!
This was a productive week, though. I've published and obtained several excellent articles. I've written an article about building online communities to be published on Monday, and think it's pretty good stuff. (It's very similar to chapter 8 of the book, which was quite fun to write.)
Development-wise, I've started on testing the hard bits of CPANPLUS. Autrijus is extremely smart; he just wanted a couple of examples and he understands the technique I'm using to make it easier. In return, he helped me get Module::Signature working correctly. (Or I helped him, either way. :)
I've also added several more tests for Everything. With new features coming in, now's the time to get people used to testing. Stopping development until we had complete coverage didn't work so well, as Zenon and I both seemed to burn out. Adding tests for new features and bugfixes will hopefully work better. My current task is to test the base SQL interface so I can simplify and improve it -- mostly done.
The other coup was having my first patch accepted into Parrot. Okay, it was a documentation patch, but I can't seem to pass a document that needs editing without fighting the urge to do some editing. It was productive. Nothing wrong with that...
I've found that after you move, you finish 90% of unpacking the first weekend. The other 10% (or other 90%
Re:Rule of moving and unpacking
vsergu on 2002-10-29T13:36:44
I think the rule is highly dependent on the person. There's a significant segment among us who never get to that other 10%.