Perl Mock Objects Make Testing Easier

chromatic on 2002-04-28T08:04:20

I've added documentation to Test::MockObject, added two handy new functions, and bumped up the version number by 0.01. It's ready to be used. Now to write an article that explains the why, as the what is already documented. (Oh yeah, and the buglet in Test::More has been fixed, so the prerequisite is set in my Makefile.PL. Nice.)

Not having learned my lesson last time, I also wrote half of a book outline before giving up for the day.

Cool stuff

ajtaylor on 2002-04-30T14:46:53

I'm going to play around with this today. I like being able to emulate modules easily. And I (re)discovered the isa_ok() and can_ok() methods of Test::More. Now I'm off to add them to the tests I wrote yesterday!