Perl 6 Design Minutes for 02 June 2010

chromatic on 2010-06-22T01:12:29

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 02 June 2010. Larry, Allison, Patrick, Will, and chromatic attended.


  • mostly, I supported sorear in bootstrapping STD to use viv instead of gimme5
  • his stage 2 and stage 3 now output identical Perl 5 versions of STD
  • produces a huge amount of warnings
  • appears to require Perl 5.12 at the moment
  • working on both of those
  • S03 refines hyper dwimminess to be more like APL, with modular semantics
  • S02 refines Blobs to simply be immutable Bufs, with similar generic characteristics
  • S02 now describes native blob types
  • implemented post-declaration checks for BEGIN and use, since those can't wait for end of file
  • STD no longer loses existing bindings when we go to a sublanguage
  • STD now uses $*GOAL variable only as informative, never as a "stopper"
  • instead, we create a <stopper> rule for $*GOAL if necessary
  • can check for that only, instead of that or $*GOAL
  • answering lots of questions on how STD and viv work besides that


  • did a lot of research on graph color algorithms for register usage algorithms
  • will finish my finals on Monday


  • trying to herd the discussion of dynop libraries
  • a recent branch to close an old ticket broke a lot of assumptions
  • some bugs have become more visible because of these changes
  • hope to get that cleaned up this week


  • I liked your suggestion of bringing back the getstderr and related opcodes


  • trying to resurrect Partcl
  • stuck on a TT #389 closing issue
  • not sure how to fix that, the way things are now


  • working on the iterator and list design
  • brainstorming the implementation
  • will implement somethine one way or another this week
  • people keep implementing workarounds for the current system
  • they'll bite us eventually
  • Moritz and I worked on making the regex engine returning real Perl 6 objects
  • that mostly works
  • exposes some places where lists don't work exactly right
  • the workarounds there made me replan the list and iterator implementation
  • answered some questions online
  • Jonathan added a better backtrace algorithm for Rakudo
  • reports Perl 6 source lines instead of PIR lines
  • I'll review his code
  • think I can borrow it for NQP for all HLLs
  • Jonathan reports that it was a lot easier in NQP than PIR


  • trying to answer a few Parrot design questions
  • looking at the continuation of design from Perl 1 - 4 to Perl 5 and Perl 6
  • hope to have coding time soon