Perl 6 Design Minutes for 21 April 2010

chromatic on 2010-04-28T22:20:35

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 21 April 2010. Larry, Allison, Patrick, Will, Jerry, and chromatic attended.


  • been under the weather, so didn't get much done other than keeping up with questions
  • S05 now allows negative quantifier ranges on reversible patterns
  • S02 now defines the term now to return the current instant
  • like rand and self, it does not parse as a function, since it never takes arguments
  • we now specify what kinds of math are allowed on instants and durations
  • improved error message on attempt to use old-school backreferences in regexes
  • STD now implements the now term and several other time-related names
  • we now allow enum names to be "constant variables" so that a class enum can declare an accessor
  • thinking alot about a better unification of the semantics of protos
  • this may also solve the current ambiguity in the meaning of postfix parens
  • in any case, this is for post Rakudo *


  • mainly worked on packaging for Debian and Ubuntu before the release
  • closed TT #389, no methods in namespaces
  • collecting thoughts on what we need next from the GC
  • we've done a lot of small cleanups
  • now we need to solve some persistent problems
  • might need to make some fundamental changes, like reducing copying
  • coming up on my final week of classes, so lots of work there coming up


  • updated a spectest
  • minor ticket wrangling in Rakudo's RT queue


  • GSoC will make its acceptance announcements soon
  • expect TPF will get 10 slots


  • reviewing Rakudo's current state
  • made a couple of minor NQP patches
  • reviewing patches, especially from Moritz and Bruce Keeler
  • should check them in, probably with some refactorings
  • hope to work on the List implementation, especially laziness and context


  • fixed as much of line numbering as I found broken
  • working on branch merges
  • still looking at optimizations
  • will focus most energy this month on the sweep-free GC
  • hope to encourage other people to work on identified optimizations
  • will review Solomon Foster's Mandlebrot example, especially with regard to performance