Perl 6 Design Minutes for 03 March 2010

chromatic on 2010-03-13T23:19:22

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 03 March 2010. Larry, Allison, Patrick, Jerry, Will, and chromatic attended.


  • noted how lastcall allows nextsame control of nested dispatchers
  • reserved the final paren-based shape declaration syntax without committing to it meaning anything
  • clarified that Nil itself is defined but likes to produce undefined values when indexed
  • added some clarifications of how the series operator deals with type information
  • clarified that Pair.ACCEPTS uses "so" and "not" semantics so :s returns True or False
  • removed the 1/2 and +2-3i literal forms, now rely on angle forms <1/2> and <+2-3i> for literals, and the bare forms now rely on constant folding rather than a fragile special syntax
  • in STD, made undeclared variables more fatal
  • STD now tries to be helpful if the user makes the typical P5-ish variant-sigil mistake on arrays and hashes
  • also improved error message on the -{}> kind of mistake that P5 programmers will make
  • my $a, $b now gives better message
  • STD now reserves the () shape syntax per current spec
  • fixed regression on indirect method knowing that method name is not bound early
  • moved unexpected-!! panic from infixstoppers to infix:<!!> for better extensibility
  • so a user's infix definition isn't ignored if it starts with !!
  • you can define user operators starting with that, and it only complains for the right reasons now
  • STD now gives an accurate message when a prefix is missing its term
  • removed deprecated rational and complex literal forms from STD
  • much preliminary work for moving operator defs to CORE.setting, not yet checked in
  • only blocker is not being in Copenhagen


  • Jonathan, Carl, Moritz, and Martin will be there
  • I proposed a panel discussion instead of my talk on Tuesday afternoon at 3 pm
  • I'll be online then
  • can't make it due to sudden personal reasons
  • will be online quite a bit the next few days though
  • can participate in the hackathon remotely
  • worked mostly on helping other people get their tasks done
  • updated the parser to handle more operator conditions
  • working toward enabling user-defined operators
  • quite a few new people submitted patches
  • several were non-trivial
  • one patch put grammars, regexes, and tokens back in Rakudo
  • that's not trivial and it worked pretty well
  • I'm reviewing patches and making comments
  • lots of good progress
  • expect lots more during the hackathon


  • going to work on code stuff this weekend instead of traveling
  • had a very productive trip
  • glad to be home to get work done
  • working on the PCC branch this week
  • should be, fingers crossed, small and easy to get done
  • want to avoid creature feeping
  • get the re-ordering through and move on


  • having trouble building Rakudo on Windows
  • have time to debug with people online
  • this is preventing me from talking to Patrick about and working on S19


  • we can work on that tomorrow


  • saw that problem on p6c as well
  • fixed a Parrot bug for Patrick related to STRING indices
  • we have some speed fixes on top of that
  • still working on the build cleanup
  • hope to merge to trunk in the next two or three days


  • haven't had and won't have much time
  • fixed a few bugs
  • working on helping other people get stuff done


  • is there a hackathon or meeting time available after OSCON?


  • recommend the weekend after


  • there'd have to be a hackathon for me to get TPF sponsorship


  • the pace of spec changes has picked up
  • any ideas what's driving that?
  • is it different from before?
  • was the end-of-year lull the same as before?


  • everyone did take a break over Christmas
  • most of the changes are still simplifications
  • or responses to implementation issues
  • dealing with inconsistencies


  • a lot of implementation issues have come up over the past three weeks


  • ng has flushed out a lot of design issues


  • that's great!


  • that's great for Larry, but I have a deadline!


  • remember, it's a stake in the ground
  • "This is a release of Perl 6 you can use NOW!"


  • we're driving the spec with regard to lists and arrays


  • they essentially have the same structure
  • they need separate typology
  • you need to know whether to clone an iterator
  • that's the only reason you have to know


  • did you see my comment about binding being the distinguishing feature?


  • I think about that in inside out terms
  • not sure I can put that in words yet
  • had a conversation with Solomon about the FP view of iterators and arrays
  • that's some of my thinking
  • do we promise to hold a pointer fixed, or go on to the next thing?
  • whether that thing is persistent is mostly the bailiwick of the GC, from the standpoint of the language


  • I wasn't sure how that applied to my specific context
  • maybe I should work up a description of words or implementation
  • some lists I want to keep around reified elements
  • some lists I don't
  • the distinction is whether it's bound to any variable


  • may depend on what it's bound to
  • we might make the keeparound promise only for binding to @


  • I came up with binding to $ examples
  • we can get laziness but eat up a ton of memory
  • if we throw things away when iterating, we get more things wrong


  • it's a matter of tracking
  • are we bound to something that tells the GC to keep the rest of the list around?
  • that's the FP view


  • that's not just a GC view
  • it's how people refer to them
  • my GC is taken care of by my virtual machine anyway
  • it's about reachability from the HLL
  • or did you see it disappear


  • that's whether you have a reference to it


  • how do you know whether to keep a reference to it?
  • I've produced this element
  • can I send it back to the caller
  • or do I need to keep it around so something else can get to it
  • if the iterator itself is bound, you keep the reference
  • if it's not bound, you can return it but not keep the reference around
  • I'll write up my thoughts


  • will these changes settle down after Rakudo *?
  • are they a precursor to that release?
  • will they continue afterward?
  • will Rakudo * go stale?
  • that's a tough one to answer


  • I can't guarantee stability at this point
  • we want a useful release
  • we'd like not to have any deprecations after that point
  • given how implementations and applications drive implementations
  • Rakudo * exists to encourage people to develop applications
  • we've never made that stability an explicit goal for Rakudo *
  • we'll probably institute deprecation cycles when it comes out
  • we don't want to change the world out from under people
  • it doesn't represent a spec freeze
  • thinking of a separate distribution release from the compiler release
  • a three month stability cycle of releases for Rakudo *
  • a different point of view
  • any distribution release doesn't have to be tied to the newest compiler release
  • I see Rakudo * as a series of releases, not a single release