Perl 6 Design Minutes for 03 February 2010

chromatic on 2010-02-18T04:58:35

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 03 February 2010. Larry, Patrick, and chromatic attended.


  • more cleanup of iteration semantics
  • no longer signal end with Nil, but with special EMPTY failure
  • this can support either unthrown or thrown exception styles
  • added in batching iterator interface
  • proposed new E operator for efficient list end detection; gathering feedback
  • detangling of sigils from contexts; for example, @ no longer implies flattening
  • coercions all defined to take parcels so they don't flatten accidentally
  • more cleanup of various types (captures,lists) that should be considered parcels
  • forcibly amputated the @@ sigil; have fixed up most of the bloody stumps
  • instead of *@@ parameters, we now have a ** slice marker on parameters
  • removed references to [;] reduction since it wouldn't work (because of return parcel embedding)
  • new **() interpolator instead
  • clarified that function calls in a list are called eagerly, but their results are potentially lazy
  • (also mentioned ways to make the call lazy too)
  • renamed iterator methods for more clarity, removing contradictory usages of "item"
  • iterators now iterated with get, getobj, batch, and batchobj
  • specced that a missing maximum allows the iterator to decide batch size.
  • get and getobj must be atomic under multi-threading so message queues work (but maybe that's backwards, and push should be atomic)
  • slice now defined to turn subparcels into Seq objects
  • spec that most of the work of flat and slice are done by binding to *@ or **@
  • new flat operator detangles flattening semantics from normal unmarked list semantics
  • for all specced functions, *@@ parameters changed to **@
  • multiple dimensions now defined in terms of nested parcels, not feeds, to avoid implying multithreading on every subscript
  • either range or series iterator now autotruncates in a subscript
  • no autotruncation on left end of a subscript anymore
  • did some cleanup of feeds; more is needed to have clearer target semantics
  • feeds no longer take a whatever target with implicit semantics; just use an explicit target
  • not much hacking, but edited tests to change @@ to something else appropriate
  • tracked name changes in CORE
  • wrote a long screed on why Perl 6 has one-pass parsing and why typenames must be pre-declared


  • working on interators and lists in the -ng branch
  • brought up a few issues with Larry as appropriate
  • took issue with others, as appropriate
  • happy with our progress there
  • expect to make this branch the new master in the next day or so
  • will be some regressions, but it's time to do it
  • there's no development taking place on other branches, so let's commit and do it
  • people will be comfortable about doing their own work and not having it lost on some other branch


  • looking into GC tuning and ideas
  • still working on getting methods out of namespaces
  • need four uninterrupted hours