Perl 6 Design Minutes for 08 July 2009

chromatic on 2009-08-08T00:04:48

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 08 July 2009. Larry, Allison, Patrick, Jerry, and chromatic attended.


  • sided by several design issues in the past week
  • the number of fundamental issues was higher than usual
  • refactoring the global and lexical namespaces to fit together with their symbol tables
  • Daniel pointed out a problem in my design
  • immutable type objects pointed to mutable symbol tables
  • that didn't quite work
  • had to turn that inside out
  • thinking about the exact semantics of use
  • depends on how symbol tables work out
  • should have that soon
  • thought a lot about the nature of lists
  • are they more primitive than captures?
  • had some discussion about that
  • provisionally called Parcels
  • may be correct to unify them with captures
  • a capture might just be a parcel that can deliver the positionals separately from the names
  • the actual structure might be the same thing
  • Daniel might have a complaint about it


  • I totally agree with the change
  • I just know it's going to muck up a few internals along the way


  • we need something to give us the raw arguments in their order
  • has to be what parentheses do by default


  • agree


  • that part is not negotiable
  • working on the trait mods
  • Jonathan's been refactoring that
  • still have a collision as a result of defining multis with the same name as we define the new syntax
  • may have to split those
  • the macroish thing which defines new syntax is different from the semantic declaration of the multis called
  • haven't specified that, but it seems like the right approach
  • encouraging other people to hack on the specs
  • encouraged Darren Duncan to swap :auths and :vers
  • he did other cleanup, which was good
  • other people have contributed too
  • doesn't seem to be out of hand
  • clarified value-producing blocks like BEGIN and START as statement prefixes
  • you don't need curlies now
  • you can still do the block form, but they're block or statement
  • you can use a statement prefix as a statement itself
  • the old model of symbol tables in STD used nested hashes
  • using a model now where symbol tables are objects which can function as hashes
  • recombined symbol tables and stashes
  • we can does Hash usefully and get the same benefit in a single object
  • moved back to the notion that the symbol for a symbol table in a package ends in ::
  • tried to get away from that, but it didn't work
  • it's a post-sigil, now
  • the name canonicalizer in Cursor now leaves the double-colon at the end of prefix packages
  • makes it simpler to look up
  • fixed a bug related to pad exporting
  • chose the wrong pad
  • now the declarand (the declared object) remembers the appropriate pad for the rest of the declaration
  • if you put =$fh as the only thing as a line, now it complains about an illegal POD directive
  • changed constants to be our instead of my, last week
  • more chance of name collision within packages and lexical scopes
  • I fixed the error message for a collision
  • aligned a few more things to the specification
  • changed MMD with Jonathan
  • mandatory, named parameters are part of the constraint on a multi
  • where STD uses that, it declares those parameters as mandatory
  • the spec claimed that adverbs and fat-arrow plus circumfix are semantically equivalent
  • fixed the circumfix semantics there in the parse


  • added more operators to the Rakudo setting
  • fixed a few PGE bugs
  • talked with Allison about Parrot's installation
  • mostly talked about various issues on IRC
  • lots of planning, brainstorming, and prioritization for Rakudo and Perl 6
  • starting to put together plans for how Rakudo 1.0 will look and when it will come out
  • not sure I'm the right person to work on Rakudo install refactor
  • will post a couple of messages about that to the list to recruit others
  • looks like a lot of important refactoring, but I'm not sure I'm the right person to do that
  • getting together stuff for OSCON and YAPC::EU
  • finishing up other Parrot tasks for the 1.4 release
  • especially HLL interop
  • posted instructions for other people to do releases of Rakudo
  • anyone can do a release; they don't need to wait a month to do it
  • anyone who wants to practice could just do one anytime
  • GitHub allows that very nicely
  • anyone who wants to be a release manager can practice anytime


  • working on Rakudo-exposed GC bugs


  • trying to catch up on tickets and answer questions
  • halfway through the ticket queue
  • everything needs a quick skim at this point
  • have intentionally not made any plans for the next couple of weeks
  • will focus on the release (when I'm not working on OSCON)
  • can work on the install stuff
  • though I think we should do as little as possible to get it working


  • I won't try to refactor Parrot's make install
  • Rakudo wants to be able to build from an installed version of Parrot
  • may give up on installing from a build copy
  • the downloader installs Parrot to a new directory
  • the only blocker there is being able to get a fakecutable working
  • need to go through and add conditional Makefile generation to Rakudo's generate script
  • am I missing anything?


  • did it ever work from an installed Parrot?


  • can't do a fakecutable there; that never worked
  • I can build Rakudo
  • it can run if you run the bytecode file
  • it won't run from the perl6 binary
  • we need something that can run from there
  • people expect that


  • the fakecutable works if you keep the build directory around
  • but not from an installed Parrot


  • the other problem is the search path of the dynext/ directory
  • in a few places parrot_config reports compiler settings that won't work on some platforms without conditional makefile generation


  • it'd be good to get a list of what those are


  • I'll make that list soon
  • part of the reason I've pushed on this so hard is because we need it
  • it has to happen before Rakudo 1.0, but I'll spend my development time elsewhere


  • we'll get it as soon as possible


  • as soon as practical


  • I like that phrase


  • if I use a class as a role in a does statement, is that okay?


  • with some caveats, yes
  • it takes a snapshot of the class


  • my goal between now and the end of YAPC::EU is to develop a detailed plan for Rakudo 1.0
  • would like that release to happen by next spring
  • if it happens sooner, great
  • 1.0 is just a marker tag
  • beyond a developer release


  • Rakudo 1.0 doesn't have to implement all of 6.0.0
  • it can be a beta of Perl 6, for example


  • need to define what things need to be in that release
  • not just spec, but ancillary features
  • before that release, we need to use something much closer to STD, if not STD itself
  • will make a list of what things need to be in there
  • I want to get Rakudo to the point where we can say "It's ready for some real uses"


  • is there a performance target?
  • I'd like to see at least a doubling in speed
  • that's not entirely your problem


  • that may happen on its own
  • I think that's reasonable
  • that's the minimum we can get


  • how about working with other Parrot HLLs?


  • not sure it's a Rakudo or Perl 6 prereq
  • maybe Parrot


  • I wouldn't put it on the Rakudo list


  • we need a better module system


  • a bunch of good questions will come up
  • having a set of release managers in place will make that easier


  • July will be the last release I do by myself, assuming release managers pop up
  • and I assume they will
  • modeling this after the Parrot Development Summit last year
  • charting our progress to 1.0 like Parrot did
  • my goal is to finalize things at YAPC::EU
  • want to publish a document with milestones and timelines after that


  • might be nice looking at which percentage of the spec the tests cover
  • and what Rakudo's passing tests cover


  • talked about this with Jesse
  • very good discussion
  • will go through each synopsis and review how Rakudo does with each section of the synopses
  • break it down, give each heading a percentage
  • would be nice if there were automated tools to help with that


  • can smartlinks help?


  • potentially
  • I don't want to block on it
  • might shuffle that off to someone if there's an easy task