Perl 6 Design Minutes for 01 October 2008

chromatic on 2008-10-14T22:00:13

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 01 October 2008. Larry, Patrick, Jerry, Jesse, Nicholas, and chromatic attended.


  • busy as usual
  • did some hacking and a bit of spec work
  • defining how assignment operators behave when the left side is a protoobject
  • took out the curly stars at the end of rules a few weeks ago
  • put in the correct semantics
  • calls a reduction with the current tag now
  • don't need an action now
  • broke macro parsing
  • you can't define and parse factorial now there
  • going to the University of Illinois tomorrow
  • an ACM conference: Reflection/Projection
  • giving a keynote on Friday night
  • a workshop on Saturday
  • that's more or less my standard parser talk
  • my keynote is the Studies in the Ballistic Arts talk
  • slightly more general interest


  • did you say that recent changes should make it easier to parse more Perl 6 in Perl 5?


  • it should make it easier to translate more of gimme5 with a Perl 6 parser not a custom parser
  • should make it easier to parse more Perl 6 into the corresponding Perl 5
  • then I can rewrite cursor from Perl 5 into Perl 6, and backtranslate it to whatever engine


  • not a lot of coding
  • lots of helping others code
  • getting a lot of things done
  • fixed some Parrot issues out of the way
  • chromatic fixed floating point constants
  • lots of spec tests passing
  • close to 800 new ones in the past week
  • 20% in just one week


  • how much more spec are they covering?
  • how much is it checking addition of pairs of numbers?


  • some broken features now work
  • many of them are that Moritz and friends have found passing tests in the whole suite and included them in our suite
  • some are new features
  • it's a pretty good mix
  • there's little addition of tests for existing features
  • lots of tests for features we didn't test yet
  • Stephen Weeks implemented loop control exceptions in PCT
  • also for Cardinal
  • that was this morning
  • we're looking at those exceptions in general
  • we want to handle them in a sane manner in Parrot
  • otherwise, just asking design questions
  • answering questions on IRC
  • lots of thinking about fixing reference and value types in Rakduo
  • trying to get momentum in my head to do that quickly
  • will require refactoring plenty of things in the existing code
  • I'll have to review a lot of Jonathan's code in the process


  • things are going well
  • have a lot more time lately for Perl 6 and Parrot
  • currently looking at S11
  • the documentation for exportation
  • want to get namespace exporting in Rakudo
  • that's another step toward writing Rakudo in Perl 6


  • we should talk about that
  • I'll tell you how to do it
  • I have some pretty specific ideas


  • submitted a grant proposal to TPF for S19
  • the command-line implementation
  • lots of IRC conversations
  • lots of good questions
  • it's hard to give Moritz enough praise for the work he's been doing on the spec tests
  • it's amazing progress


  • haven't had much spare time
  • willing to concentrate on blockers
  • may be able to fix one or two crazy bugs a week


  • we found a workaround for the weird problem we had last night


  • you had a lopsided exception handler


  • I saw that
  • switched the order of a few statements
  • then saw the lopsided exception handler
  • I'll file my example code as a bug so we can fix it


  • I talked to Robert about how to get a prominent download link for Rakudo on
  • if it's doable to get a nice target page for how to build and use Rakudo, that's easy to get up
  • need a page to describe the four steps you need to get /usr/bin/perl6


  • and maybe a link for binary distributions
  • Debian for example


  • that's not terribly common in the Perl world
  • Windows maybe
  • if the package downloads exist, that's a good idea
  • I don't recommend delaying things for that though


  • one problem with those distributions is that things go so quickly out of date


  • the last release was only a couple of weeks ago


  • the difference from week to week can be huge
  • list assignment immediately starts working, for example


  • the idea is to shut up naysayers who say "It's not there" or "It's not easy"
  • people who say "I tried it, but this didn't work" you can point to something current


  • is there a page which describes how to download a tarball and make it go?
  • versus a Subversion version?
  • is there a "How to build Rakudo" page?


  • I'll put one up on the wiki
  • someone can help keep it up to date


  • there's no reason not to have the canonical version on the wiki
  • when someone complains, it can get updated
  • mostly I'm just working and running a small business in a slow economy


  • do you envision the global flag on regexs part of the regex or the caller?


  • I've thought of it as part of the thing that calls the regex
  • I could see it going the other way too
  • no good arguments in my head one way or the other


  • tradtitionally I would have preferred it as the thing that calls the regex
  • I like it if regexes do one match, and whatever's driving it does it next


  • if you want .*? semantics inside the regex, you ought to use it


  • when we parse :g, it's an adverb to the operator, not the regex


  • inside we have submatches with ~~
  • people will want adverbs on those
  • we need to think about whether that's reasonable or possible


  • I'll start with the thing that calls it


  • we can rethink that later if we need to
  • we can recast it as rewritten rules of various sorts


  • it affects the grammar engine as to what it produces and returns
  • I could do it
  • but I'm about to refactor PGE and want to get my strategies in place
  • Mitchell wants to tag match objects with the rule that generated them
  • what do you think?


  • if we can think of a reasonable name that makes sense downstream
  • not everything has one
  • apart from a reference to an object
  • maybe that's good enough
  • it's a bit problematic in a Perl 5 version of the matcher
  • there really aren't code objects


  • maybe, but not likely?


  • I see no major conceptual problem in the Perl 6 context
  • just an implementation problem


  • how much might S05 change?


  • it has potential ramifications in terms of memory use and GC use
  • other than that, it's a vague uneasy feeling
  • I can't prove anything


  • the .keys, .values, .kv, .pairs methods
  • when used as functions, are they named unaries?


  • I'd like to avoid making more named unaries than are culturally acceptable in mathematical notation
  • they tend to confuse people
  • not as confusing as zero-or-one, which we've tried to get rid of
  • like rand


  • just looking for a quick answer


  • I'm prejudiced against them


  • I'm prejudiced against named unaries as well
  • if something starts to look non-Perl 5-ish, I get prejudiced


  • you force people to use parentheses
  • but mathemeticians don't want to say sign of something and use parens


  • plenty of tests in the suite test that the values of colon pairs are booleans


  • any boolean used in numeric context turns into zero or one
  • if we stringify booleans, we have to turn them into zero or one as strings
  • none of this null string as in Perl 5


  • they do smart match against bool


  • preserve the type information
  • make it as usefully context-dependent downstream
  • the issue is how they stringify
  • similar issue as to how proto-objects stringify
  • you want to know whether you want to use them as their name or their value
  • we really don't make that distinction right now
  • except .perl really wants to know the name of things
  • if stringify Object, does it print Object or the null string?
  • if it's our new undef, it should print the null string
  • when you print values of things, it's not useful to print a null string where they were expecting a value
  • which is why I wanted to distinguish between stringification and printification
  • it's probably too subtle of a distinction
  • if you use a protoobject and stringify it, it returns null
  • but by default it should produce a warning
  • the warning presumably says what the name of the protoobject was


  • it might be too subtle or wrong a distinction to be useful
  • a scalar initialized to a protoobject effectively holds a reference to the object
  • when you stringify the reference, you want that to be the null string
  • if you print the object, you don't have a reference
  • you're sending the protoobject itself
  • I see all sorts of nasty flags floating around that
  • that distinction will be there from the Parrot side
  • whether it's there conceptually is another question


  • in general, if I don't answer immediately it's because I'm scratching my head