What are You Going to Do, SMS at Me?

chromatic on 2008-05-04T00:23:56

For years, I've thought that the only thing sillier than complaining about disaffection and how the world really should work differently in IRC was to sign silly Internet petitions about it. Now I realize that people who feel compelled to register their righteous indignation in 141 characters of chatspeak matter least.

Here's a quarter, kid. Go buy a postcard.


kjones4 on 2008-05-05T20:26:49

Agreed. I'm sure twitter has a useful purpose or two, but I fail to see the "Power of Twitter" as it relates to complaining about a cease and desist email. Do you use twitter for something useful? What is it?


chromatic on 2008-05-05T21:38:09

Do you use twitter for something useful?

I don't use Twitter. Maybe I'm too grizzled, but most of the uses I can see rely on not caring about the information in five minutes.