Recommended for a good chuckle: Wisdom from the way-out edge. This guy should write his own comic strip. My stomach hurts now.
Re:Who should write the comic strip?
slanning on 2008-03-18T13:24:50
(James Gosling)++
Re:Who should write the comic strip?
chromatic on 2008-03-18T17:50:51
Ms. Karena's line about "hard-core IT geek" was hilarious, but the truly brilliant satire in that article comes straight from Gosling.
runrig on 2008-03-19T04:33:05
Mr Gosling says he never orders the same meal at a restaurant. That's akin to a lack of innovation.Oh boy! What a character!
chromatic on 2008-03-19T05:36:57
"We at Sun are the goofballs. We're the most open guys on the planet. We have no secrets. We talk to our customers and our competitors a lot. There's a shortage of corporate lines and public positions on things."Disclaimer: I know (and like) several people at Sun. I still don't believe what he said.
hondo77 on 2008-04-07T00:23:02
It's funny because he trashes Apple and lauds Sun. Yet Apple is thriving and Sun is fading into irrelevance. He lauds Sun's open culture yet his predicted phone/computer is being created by Apple, not Sun. Who has the reality distortion field?