Perl 6 Design Minutes for 12 March 2008

chromatic on 2008-03-13T19:39:15

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 12 March 2008. Allison, Jerry, Will, Mitchell, Nicholas, Jesse, and chromatic attended.


  • concurrency summit was very eye-opening
  • the discusses circled around and came close to what I concluded for the Parrot concurrency model
  • launched the PDD 17 implementation
  • a lot of this implementation was cleaning up old, bad PMC implementations
  • it shakes out old bugs
  • gives us a chance to do some general cleanup
  • working on OSCON now for the next few days


  • haven't had much time to make commits this week
  • just a couple of fixes to Tcl
  • good to see that working so well on Windows
  • working with Eric on Google's SoC
  • he sent off the application earlier this week
  • we're waiting for the good news
  • Patrick's getting married on Friday
  • next week, he and Paula will be traveling around the southwest, generally having a fun vacation


  • there's a thread on the mailing list about setting up a Parrot workshop at YAPC::NA
  • Patrick plans to submit a few talks
  • I may too


  • I rewrote a lot of PMCs
  • that helped us do the merge
  • did some profiling, made some optimizations
  • looking into an alignment bug with GCable elements
  • Andy Dougherty and Jerry are seeing it on Solaris and Windows, respectively


  • new Parrot monthly release next Tuesday, 0.6.0
  • includes all of the PMC updates
  • a lot of languages are in a better state now than they were before the merge
  • I did some Tcl work recently


  • trying to work out what Perl 5 needs in terms of day-to-day bug flux
  • might be useful to employ someone to handle that full time
  • we have about a week's worth of bugs that comes in every week
  • volunteers aren't doing that
  • that'll be relevant to Perl 6 in the long term


  • TPF elections are underway, should be over in two or three days
  • supporting Eric with the GSoC stuff
  • lurking on the p5p discussion that Nick mentioned
  • trying to figure out where the funding is coming from
  • I'd like to get TPF to help out there
  • discussing similar things with regard to Perl 6 in the past weeks
  • those are positive
  • they want to support people and get TPF to the place where it can disperse that support
  • hoping that the elections help get TPF in better shape for that
  • I'll be at Eclipse Con next week
  • closed-door meetings with their brass
  • they're supportive of TPF


  • my hacking's speculative
  • looking at several pieces of Perl 6 implementations that have accumulated
  • trying to find a way to combine them into a usable implementation to help an active P6 coding community re-gel
  • sometimes trying to make it easier to access existing components
  • sometimes trying to make them more accessible to reuse other parts
  • we've had five or six attempts at full stack pieces and even more pieces, but none of them expose a usable parse tree (Pugs doesn't really have one)


  • is it a small matter of programming, or are things blocking your way?


  • mostly my time now
  • may be Parrot resources in the future


  • we should coordinate talk submissions for YAPC


  • is there a hackathon scheduled?


  • just the workshop

Update: revised a note in Mitchell's report