Just Make It Go Away!

chromatic on 2008-01-28T07:16:19

When people hear about a new language, and they’re told that it’s a scripting language, not only don’t they treat it seriously, they insist on emulating a Turing tar pit in it. They call system() and pass it incomprehensible 300-character pipelines. They write everything in one big bulk, without using functions or classes. They ignore data structures and regular expressions and call awk when they need them the way they’d do in a shell script. From Python or Ruby or Perl. This is how you write scripts, you know.

Yossi Kreinin, Fun at the Turing tar pit

I promise never again to mention how blepharitic Perl 5's nested dereferencing syntax can be if MakeMaker just goes away now.


phaylon on 2008-01-28T10:41:14

Now it starts to get creepy. This is the third or fourth time in a row that I read an article and thought "Huh, I bet chromatic has something to say about that," and a few days later I find a link here. The community seems to work if I can guess if people are interested in comments, even if I don't know them really (The people, not the comments)

Still, I enjoy the read most of the time :)

creepy, or....conspiracy?

slanning on 2008-01-30T21:23:49

Maybe chromatic writes the other articles so that he can link to them from here.

Yosef's deconstruction of C++ FAQ Lite

mr_bean on 2008-02-11T09:14:03

He seems to be something of a contrarian.

I found his discusssion of what is 'evil' in C++, as seen by the FAQ and his interpretation of that at http://yosefk.com/c++fqa/picture.html#fqa-6.15

I wonder how I would react to a similarly jaundiced view of perl.

Re:Yosef's deconstruction of C++ FAQ Lite

chromatic on 2008-02-11T18:30:37

I'd like to see a Perl FAQ as accurate as that C++ FAQ. If one existed, I would submit the whole ref/reftype/isa debacle (the one that almost completely goes away if you use DOES() in 5.10 with autobox installed).