Perl 6 Design Minutes for 14 November 2007

chromatic on 2007-11-30T08:09:03

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 14 November 2007. Larry, Patrick, Nicholas, and Jesse attended.


  • Still trying to work out the longest token matching stuff.
  • Going a little slow because I've been fighting lack of sleep from tendinitis and medications, and having to upgrade infrastructure and e-mail.
  • New spam filter caused a DOS attack - Installed ClamAV and new SpamAssassin rules, then someone sent about 100 identical messages which completely bogged down SpamAssassin.
  • I had to write a blacklist thing that went through lastlog and blacklist those IPs
  • Got the Fedora upgrade and several other things done, waiting for my brain to come back.


  • Is your hardware holding up?


  • USB being a little flaky, but doesn't matter as I don't use USB much. The space bar is gimpy
  • Doing stuff that is optimised for my right hand, ie doesn't need as much typing.
  • Also thinking about stuff people have sent me, such as Damian.
  • In terms of real Perl 6 work, primarily just thinking


  • Things are gelling better, or still in the stewing phase?


  • I know I could do it if I had a whole brain, but I don't have enough of a brain to fit it in right now.
  • Got the source to egrep, and all sorts of things that do this sort of thing
  • Want a perl specific solution to it -- egrep just tells you line matches, doesn't tell you how it matches.
  • Want the algorithm specified in Perl 6, even if the eventual compiler does it some other way
  • Don't know how fast it will be, but the algorithm is designed to examine each character only once, so shouldn't be too slow.


  • Get it correct, then make it fast.


  • Hard to explain to computer what I mean.


  • If only we had a good language for that


  • Indeed


  • Ended up with infrastructure problems too.
  • For work, I had to reinstall the OS to get Adobe Captivate.
  • Turns out that the Parrot testing facility doesn't work with the latest Test mods from CPAN.


  • Test:Harness?


  • Possibly. It's been refactored somehow?


    - More re-implemented from scratch.


  • First hint was that the smoke tests didn't run.
  • Got help on IRC; we tracked it down to a missing dependency.
  • Fixed that.
  • Now make test isn't running
  • Just filed a ticket; I expect someone from #parrot will pick it up and have it solved within an hour
  • Right now I think that it's because harness is passing an option to parrot that parrot doesn't understand.


  • One of the authors of Test::Harness 3 is Andy Armstrong, AndyA; you may be able to find him on IRC.


  • Talked about a bunch of stuff last week


  • I still need to format my part.
  • Hoped to have new NPQ checked in before I blogged it, but not going to hold the blog post up for it.
  • One way or another it will go out tonight: list message, use.perl journal entry, anywhere else you can think.


  • For a use.perl journal entry, there's a tickbox, which submits the entry to the moderation queue for the front page.


  • Last week talked to Patrick and several of the other authors about the state of various implementations [of Perl 6], to (not quite) get a blog post together.
  • Haven't done the step of blog post, but everything else is done and is in public.


  • You have a URL?


  • In the IRC logs of #perl6, so not "published" but is Google-able.


  • because I want to refer to it in a post to perl6-compiler.

Nicholas asked about state and START blocks, which Larry answered with a concise explanation about context, which we agreed would be better written out in e-mail to perl6-language), given that vocally it's a tongue twister of symbols.