Three Perl 6 Related Tasks

chromatic on 2007-05-12T00:36:43

Jeremy Jones suggests that a Perl 6 showmedo would be very valuable.

The Bugzilla 3.0 release announcement suggests that Perl 6 is a candidate for the host language for future versions of Bugzilla. (An application written in Perl 6 would be a great motivator for F/OSS distributions to bundle a Perl 6 implementation and its host platform.)

kudra has recently stepped down as Perl 6 list summarizer (and we miss her excellent work). Perhaps someone could write an application to summarize and publish summaries with minimal (or distributed) human interaction.


Aristotle on 2007-05-12T05:04:14

What happened to her?


chromatic on 2007-05-12T06:01:33

She took advantage of a couple of great real-life opportunities that reduce her time for writing the summaries. While I miss her contribution to Perl 6, she made the right choice. (I don't want to step on her toes by giving any details.)


sigzero on 2007-05-13T12:43:50

Whew! The way I read your post kind of made me think something had *happened* and not in a good sense.


chromatic on 2007-05-13T19:11:28

Hm, I see that. I've rephrased my post!


Aristotle on 2007-05-13T20:18:19

Ah, OK. The way it’s phrased now, that doesn’t surprise me – summarising is a lot of work, most of it thankless.


Aristotle on 2007-05-13T20:16:18

To preserve the context for posterity, the original phrasing was “I miss kudra immensely, not least of all as Perl 6 list summarizer.”