Jeremy Jones suggests that a Perl 6 showmedo would be very valuable.
The Bugzilla 3.0 release announcement suggests that Perl 6 is a candidate for the host language for future versions of Bugzilla. (An application written in Perl 6 would be a great motivator for F/OSS distributions to bundle a Perl 6 implementation and its host platform.)
kudra has recently stepped down as Perl 6 list summarizer (and we miss her excellent work). Perhaps someone could write an application to summarize and publish summaries with minimal (or distributed) human interaction.
What happened to her?
chromatic on 2007-05-12T06:01:33
She took advantage of a couple of great real-life opportunities that reduce her time for writing the summaries. While I miss her contribution to Perl 6, she made the right choice. (I don't want to step on her toes by giving any details.)
sigzero on 2007-05-13T12:43:50
Whew! The way I read your post kind of made me think something had *happened* and not in a good sense.Re:kudra?
chromatic on 2007-05-13T19:11:28
Hm, I see that. I've rephrased my post!
Aristotle on 2007-05-13T20:18:19
Ah, OK. The way it’s phrased now, that doesn’t surprise me – summarising is a lot of work, most of it thankless.
Aristotle on 2007-05-13T20:16:18
To preserve the context for posterity, the original phrasing was “I miss kudra immensely, not least of all as Perl 6 list summarizer.”