I'm Going to Fork Perl

chromatic on 2007-05-09T17:45:50

... and the only change is that I'm renaming hashes to DSLs.

I'm forking your fork

speters on 2007-05-09T19:37:15

...because I prefer ADT.

Re:I'm forking your fork

chromatic on 2007-05-09T19:55:59

... oh yeah, well I'm naming my fork PHERL, which stands for Paulgraham, Haskell, Erlang, Rubyonrailsroolzdoodz, and Lisp.

Re:I'm forking your fork

Yumiko on 2007-05-09T22:06:50

Oh yeah? I'm going to go fork as well...except I'm naming mine ${@[]}~


miyagawa on 2007-05-09T23:13:33

Ruby has symbols for this and you can write 'process "selector", :foo => "@href"' and I started with 'process "selector", \$foo => '@href'' in Perl but ended up with (invisible) hash.

No subject

jplindstrom on 2007-05-10T09:53:24

But you gotta admit the code there is pretty interesting.

Re:No subject

chromatic on 2007-05-10T17:50:35

Of course! I wrote something similar to automate customer testing five years ago, way before the Railzers started their little Internet DSL fetish social club. It's a good technique. I just hate the sticker being slapped on everything.