Perl 6 Design Team Minutes for 24 January 2007

chromatic on 2007-02-02T21:24:14

The Perl 6 Design team met via phone on 24 January 2007. Larry, Patrick, Nicholas, and chromatic attended. These are the notes.


  • aside from plumbing...
  • continue to deal with the fallout from trying to define what it actually means to match longest tokens consistently across a grammar
  • Luke and I had some interesting back and forth on that
  • we're probably converging on something workable on that score
  • thinking about the message from Steve Lukas
  • "remember to outlaw declaring lexical variables twice in the same scope"
  • there are some arguments on the other side
  • thinking about what the default should be there
  • thinking a lot about list comprehensions and how their syntax can fall out naturally from how we already express things with maps and for loops and such
  • inside the opening bracket is now implicitly the start of a statement in terms of the syntax recognized at that point
  • you can put for loops within parentheses now without explicitly saying do
  • the notion of how you return a list of lists such that by default they flatten
  • also such that you can get the result back as a list of lists if you want to
  • some discussion about whether a list of captures can lazily decide based on context if people want a flat list or want it chunked
  • other thoughts on syntaxes and defaults and such
  • also the ever-going discussion on ints and nums and such
  • need to install some of my decisions into S03
  • I realize it's organized by braindump and not how an operator spec needs to be
  • I'm about to reorganize it in precedence order as in the Perl 5 perlop page
  • logical way to talk about ops, especially those that haven't changed
  • we need to spec those
  • it's a big fault of the Synopsis as it is now


  • not much happened this week thanks to ice storms and school closures
  • worked on PAST-pm
  • have references working in Perl 6
  • found that assign opcode doesn't work on arrays when you have a derived class of ResizablePMCArray PMC
  • derivation from base class problem in Parrot
  • yet another workaround to put in there
  • keep running into the need for a new object model
  • if you create a subclass from one of the existing PMC classes, some operations just don't work as you'd expect
  • I have a workaround I'm almost ready to check in though


  • I'd like to see a TODO test for that


  • worked on other things we need for the AST representation
  • better HLL type management
  • it doesn't feel right
  • I'll work on some other things to let that sit for a while and see how it works
  • giving a presentation this Friday in Austin


  • trying to go through a hundred patches a day on Perl 5
  • feels like working at right angles


  • managed to implement the namespaces PDD work on the NameSpace PDD
  • should have that whole PDD implemented by the next release
  • that ought to allow better implementation of the metamodel


  • yay!


  • Larry, you mentioned "item context"
  • is that a rebranding of scalar?


  • we use "scalar" to refer to the container
  • the context we refer to as "item context" these days
  • it's been there for a year or so


  • I missed that
  • I like it better
  • it's clearer


  • we didn't want "atom"
  • "item" is close


  • what does your work program need from a Perl 6 implementation?


  • the coverage of the Haskell backend with the speed of the Parrot backend
  • it'd be nice to have language support for the rule engine


  • does your program use that?


  • mostly OO
  • I could use roles to speed it up some to avoid some method lookup
  • still thinking about multidispatch semantics


  • maybe that's why Damian isn't here
  • he's thinking about it too


  • he can't decide which Damian to send