Perl 6 Design Team Minutes for 10 January 2007

chromatic on 2007-01-12T20:51:09

The Perl 6 Design team met via phone on 10 January 2007. Larry, Damian, Allison, Jesse, Nicholas, and chromatic attended. These are the notes.


  • things are quite well
  • worked on Punie some
  • adding a few more features: subroutines in specific
  • went astoundingly quickly
  • a few small IO questions remaining
  • sort of a lazy evaluation on the list
  • thank you for your comment yesterday


  • I sent another one today
  • how much abstraction do you want?
  • there are ways to hide things that may or may not buy you any performance


  • the next thing we need before implementing the PDD is the objects PDD
  • I've been working on that this week


  • things are quiet here
  • took some time off
  • doing a lot of family stuff
  • that'll continue into the foreseeable future
  • sending tiny bits of feedback to Larry on occasion
  • mostly very happy with what I've seen
  • otherwise starting to gear up for the year ahead
  • want to get the POD 6 parser out


  • seems to be some demand for that


  • it's high on my priority list
  • taking some down time to feel better and ramp up


  • mostly recovered from my own bout with the crud
  • this one seems to asymptotically approach asymptomatic
  • alternately horrifying and pleasing Damian in absentia
  • have most of the re-think of smart matching done
  • moved on to reading and re- and re-re-reading the MMD draft
  • is it possible, optimizable, and teachable?
  • is there a different angle to approach it that's easier to explain but has well-defined semantics and is teachable that I can understand?


  • is it Luke's pure proposal?


  • a bunch of people hashed it out based on that
  • you don't calculate distance
  • that doesn't work well with roles and subtypes
  • you can just say that this is narrower or wider than this one
  • you have to avoid too many ties
  • we've always had these semicolons that do this Australian preference voting
  • count my vote here only if there's a problem with my first preference
  • seems to be a decent notional way to solve these things
  • but the devil is in the details
  • the current draft lets all of the candidates vote
  • they each have to keep their own scorecard as to what they think counts
  • there may be a different way of looking at the same thing that involves going forward with a series of semicolons terminating
  • then finding a tie and backing up to a previous set of semicolons and revote
  • I'm trying to reformulate that in words to see if it means the same thing and is easier to grok
  • also trying to keep Flavio on track for the MiniPerl bootstrap
  • hopefully his direction will also be complementary to the world of Parrot


  • has he been making much progress?


  • he's sort of a Lewis and Clark type
  • blazing the initial trail
  • it's hard to stop him
  • he's working on KP 6, or Kinda Perl 6
  • next step of getting a compiler written in Perl 6 that looks like Perl 6
  • coming at it orthogonally
  • trying to get a platform-agnostic bootstrap
  • Patrick and Allison have more or less a bottom-up bootstrap
  • Haskell was the top-down bootstrap
  • but it's hard to find people who like Perl and work on Haskell
  • it does seem like it's converging and will happen eventually
  • the holidays were tough for sickness and holidays and the Taiwan earthquake
  • Audrey's been out of touch
  • the MOP folks have been on hiatus
  • I suspect they'll pick up shortly


  • the semicolon thing sounds ambiguous and hard to understand
  • it scares me that it'll end up in the C++ problem
  • is it a function declaration or what?
  • those ambiguities make C++ hateful
  • maybe some of these optional things shouldn't be
  • but you know better than me


  • it may be best practice, by convention at least, to avoid putting semicolons in contradictory places
  • we have to give Damian something to work with for Perl 6 Best Practices


  • I was just hoping it would be a pamphlet


  • the People's Coup of Parrot appears to be proceeding cleanly
  • Jerry will cut the next release next week
  • we'll have a new pumpking every month
  • the cabal now has Parrot permissions


  • you just pass the pumpkin and when the music stops, you make a release?


  • that's right


  • Jerry's sure demonstrated that he's a trooper


  • just observations about the current MMD resolution proposal
  • I echo Larry's concerns about the high probability of ambiguity
  • under the scheme, the proposed solution is "insert more semicolons"
  • that leads to a leftmost-argument wins scheme
  • other languages have tried that and found it wanting
  • many of the few languages that have multi-methods use that scheme
  • look at the first argument and choose the best match at that point, then the next point, then....
  • that's unsatisfactory
  • it biases the selected method toward the first argument


  • doesn't get you much over nested switch statements
  • S12 still talks about marking the default
  • I don't think we would lose that
  • it's not in the proposal, but I think they say that when you end up with a tie that no one specified a default


  • if your only resolution mechanisms are to go to a global default or to go with left- (or, equally right-) most wins


  • I was thinking of the default being local to the current ambiguity set


  • multiple defaults for current semicolon levels?


  • sort of orthogonal to whether there are semicolons there or not
  • number + int versus int + number
  • there's a num + num too
  • maybe this is a bad example
  • you could mark one of the two symmetrical ones as the default


  • for that particular ambiguity set
  • I'd really like to see a syntax for that
  • challenging


  • just an "is default" declaration maybe
  • if you get an ambiguity, you'll always take the most specific default that is in the list of permissible candidates
  • I think that works


  • and if they're ambiguous?
  • they will be
  • I can see two equally specific defaults turning up


  • then you're no worse off than you were before
  • to some extent, I want to say that we can define all of this mechanism, but most multimethods will only have two things with named options maybe
  • most people will put a prototype in their so their compiler can figure out what the call will look like anyway


  • we're definitely dealing with edge cases here


  • how much embroidery do we want to handle to nail down the edge cases?
  • if we can figure out the most specific candidate, we'll call that
  • if we can't, we won't
  • it's usually obvious, when you compare any two things, which is strictly narrower than the other one
  • beyond that, you're getting into heavy magic and you want to learn some more
  • most people don't want that
  • those specific rules might not even go in the Camel book
  • go read this file for the nitty-gritty details


  • do we have to nail down all the edge cases yet?
  • if it dies with ambiguity, then people using Perl 6 will start to produce ambiguities
  • we'll have a lot of use cases to work out which way it should be
  • there may be a danger of picking arbitrary rules that surprise people
  • you have to treat this as an N-dimensional search


  • we probably don't know enough yet
  • the fact that we defined this to start with lexical scope
  • we can substitute in different policies in lexical scopes
  • maybe deprecate the current policy in favor of a new policy in a new version


  • but pointing people to a file might get you to the Perl 5 problem where the implementation specifies the behavior


  • unless you version the file


  • I thought it would be a Synopsis


  • I thought you meant a source file!


  • there is a conflict between the definer of a set of multimethods and the user of the set
  • they could expect different semantics
  • we have to make some minimal attempt at defining some mechanism that will work from the view of the person defining the set
  • we can't leave it only up to the user


  • when you said "lexical scope" I thought you meant the person defining


  • and I thought calling, but....


  • just hate to get into the Perl 5 trap of having to worry about changing anything because it breaks someone's code


  • if you rely on an old semantic, then you have to request that that interface give you that version of semantics


  • how do you know when the current becomes old?


  • either you default to the current
  • or if the current changes, you start a deprecation cycle
  • we'll change the semantics, but we'll pay attention to the requested version of the semantics
  • that and a higher bar for CPAN modules specifying their version
  • we require anything going into the library to have a version number
  • you can build a without a version number and use it
  • but installing anything into an official library requires a version number


  • regardless of the MMD algorithm that you choose, you can always resolve ambiguities by declaring another variant
  • if your application defines a number of variants and you get ambiguities, you can always define more specific variants
  • even if they do nothing more than wrap a particular variant that you want


  • that's perhaps the best way to do it


  • maybe "is default" means "autogenerate this for me"


  • you get one of those for free
  • any more you have to pay for yourself
  • in that regard, we don't have to get all of the edge cases
  • different people will have completely different intuitions
  • people will think about this in entirely different ways
  • the current proposal uses a voting metaphor
  • the earlier proposals I had thought in terms of multidimensional vectors
  • they're two entirely different approaches to the thing
  • maybe 80% of the time they end up with the same answer
  • it's not necessary for us to define the edge cases, except to document that writing another variant will do what you expect
  • the deeper problem is teachability
  • even if you don't give them an algorithm, you have to give them a metaphor
  • one comes from sociology and one comes from physics


  • a lot of people think they understand voting, but they don't
  • a lot of people know they don't understand vector math


  • is there a lightweight way to declare a specific variant signature that aliases to a general case?


  • you'd have to use the &name variant which includes an addendum
  • doesn't look like a normal variation of a new sub
  • or maybe we allow you to start with a normal declaration but instead of a body it's ::= something else


  • or when you have an MMD variant whose body consists of entirely a call or a magic goto, you optimize it
  • it'd be nice to have a proper syntax with the referential nature


  • but with the dynamic wrapping, someone can change the definition and expect its definition to be the one
  • hopefully the binding type thing will cause the compiler to cause hissy fits


  • the other problem with doing the thing in the body is that you'll do the dispatch again


  • notionally it's done with the magic goto
  • you'll expect the call frame on the stack
  • or you're lying and inconsistent


  • a compile-time referential assignment is an excellent idea


  • we have syntax, but it may not be optimal


  • has Sage shown any more interest in 5 to 6?


  • he's pretty busy with school


  • is he still in contact?


  • I see him on IRC rarely


  • Damian, has it really been that quiet for the Perl 6 POD reception?


  • yes


  • good


  • yes
  • I did have a couple of offline comments which I addressed in the second draft


  • have you given any thought to using metaroles instead of metaclasses in the objects PDD?


  • I'm still thinking of separating those currently
  • although...
  • I hadn't been thinking of making separate metaobjects for both
  • I thought of making them a single core meta thing
  • I wasn't going to call it meta


  • anything you can do, I can do meta


  • I never meta-model that wasn't obsessed with reflection


  • that's why I took a month off


  • the existence of interfaces in Java lessens the need for multiple inheritance
  • does the existence of roles in Perl 6 make multiple inheritance less necessary?


  • yes


  • hope so