Perl 6 Design Meeting Notes for 25 October 2006

chromatic on 2006-11-03T02:28:52

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 25 October 2006. The attendees were Larry, Nicholas, and chromatic. Damian sent in his notes later. Here are the minutes.


  • have decided not to go to Brazil
  • looking for someone who can fly to Brazil on short notice and give a keynote
  • nothing much in the way of design work this week


  • any sense if Pugs will hit 6.28 soon?


  • depends on how the Brazil hackathon goes
  • could be a couple of weeks if they're careful


  • I finished up the basic proof of concept of Parrot::Embed
  • GC/refcounting was a little hairy
  • I think I have it correct
  • still have the temptation to create a vtable pointer for magic on SVs in Perl 5


  • have you had any more time to work on your Perl 6 program at work?
  • how is it going?


  • it seems like it refactors nicely
  • I've mutated it around changing specs
  • it seems like a language that's easy to refactor
  • I like that


  • what style is it?


  • an OO tree
  • doing recursive visitation


  • roles make the Visitor pattern almost unnecessary
  • especially runtime roles


  • I was just thinking the Parrot tree grammar thing


  • me too
  • seems like getting a better language for within TGE rules is the near term goal
  • that probably means getting enough of objects and classes specified so Parrot can support this easily
  • there's currently a big question about how to instantiate objects based on class names
  • there's a namespace issue regarding that
  • that might let us bootstrap Perl 6 or a similar language to that point
  • that might let us make implementing other languages easier too
  • that might push Parrot to fix things that we need


  • Just finished the last of my scheduled training events for 2006
  • Taking a few days off after the hectic last three months
  • Should have more time hereafter
  • Still reworking the documentation synopsis and accompanying Perl 5 parser implementation
  • Will raise one or two minor issues on the sixperl list in the next day or two
  • Once those are ironed out, will post a second draft which can probably go in the repository
  • Will also upload the prototype parser to CPAN
  • Thereafter, may work on a Perl 6 implementation as well