Perl 6 Design Meeting Minutes for 27 September 2006

chromatic on 2006-09-30T06:00:33

The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 27 September 2006. Larry, Patrick, Allison, chromatic, and Nicholas attended. These are the minutes.


  • same old same old
  • continued design discussions
  • typing in test cases
  • revising the regex test cases


  • noticed two new interesting things
  • a new sigil


  • it went away


  • the other thing was the change to S1 about what is and is not Perl 6
  • "anything that passes the test suite"


  • the sigil is now just a unary operator
  • you can use it in a declaration a zone marker, like a splat
  • marks the following variable as gathering the capture
  • unmaking it a sigil gives us the ability to use it as a unary operator on a function call, like splat used to do
  • hope not to go anywhere until November
  • I've done enough traveling for a while
  • oh, and today I turned 52


  • gave a talk at Seattle Perl Users Group
  • included the Parrot extension API
  • gave me the impetus to document some of what I dislike
  • checked in some of my thoughts and new API suggestions
  • no feedback yet


  • finished off the IO PDD I've been pondering for the past several weeks
  • only had feedback from c, so we can probably implement it
  • reviewing proposals since then


  • Leo just pushed two more through


  • he and I just talked
  • I suggested him putting them in the clip/ directory
  • he's going to experiment with prototypes


  • how parallelizable is the TGE refactoring?


  • right now? Not very


  • just getting the source code in the public repo helps


  • there are a lot of little tasks that when specified could work
  • also would be nice to have a mini-language in rules
  • Patrick thinks it could be a cut-down Perl 6
  • I was thinking a Ruby-pidgin


  • who can do this?
  • or will we be blocking?


  • I'll post some ideas to the list
  • hate to volunteer someone


  • spent time talking to Zak Greant from Mozilla Foundation
  • he's working on helping TPF
  • also talked to Ovid and Bill from TPF regarding Perl 6 grants