1500 Lines Today

chromatic on 2005-07-31T06:49:03

I wrote around 1500 lines of code and documentation today, all in Test::Builder for Parrot. Geoff Young wanted it, and how can you say no to a code request from him? Leo also seemed really impressed at the idea of running Parrot tests a fair bit more quickly than they currently do. Okay, 1500 lines isn't as impressive when I mention that it's PIR code, but it's a fair bit of code. 1500 lines of anything is good, whether code, non-fiction, or fiction.

In other news, Test::Builder for Perl 6 works completely. Okay, there are a couple of workarounds for missing features in both ports for Pugs and Parrot, but they both work.

Unfortunately, I haven't finished the PseudoPod to PDF converter for my day job, as I'm trying to write it well and maintainably (and creating pixel-perfect layouts is a tremendous pain, especially as I don't care, I just want to put something on the page.)

At least now I can bask in the glow of "Hey, I wrote something tremendously cool!" at OSCON next week, rather than promising to write something cool and then, well, not.

you rock!

geoff on 2005-08-01T18:37:47

you rock!