Throw Away Your C Compiler (after building Perl)

chromatic on 2004-08-19T03:57:17


	chdir 't' if -d 't';
	use blib;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 9;

use_ok('P5NCI') or exit;

my $double_lib     = P5NCI::load_lib( '../' );
my  $double_double = P5NCI::load_nci_func( $double_lib, 'double_double', 'dd' );
is( $double_double->( 1.0 ),  2.0  );
is( $double_double->( 3.14 ), 6.28 );

my  $double_int = P5NCI::load_nci_func( $double_lib, 'double_int', 'ii' );
is( $double_int->( 1 ), 2 );
is( $double_int->( 3 ), 6 );

my  $double_float = P5NCI::load_nci_func( $double_lib, 'double_float', 'ff' );
is( $double_float->( 1.0 ),   2.0   );
ok( abs( $double_float->( 0.314 ) - 0.628) < 0.00001 );

my  $multiply_ints = P5NCI::load_nci_func( $double_lib, 'multiply_ints', 'iii' );
is( $multiply_ints->( 10, 20 ), 200 );
is( $multiply_ints->(  5,  5 ),  25 );

The interface is a bit grotty, the documentation is spotty, the build system needs some help, and it only handles really simple functions right now, but it works.

Ah, syscall...

Matts on 2004-08-19T07:18:57

It's like syscall() but for library routines, right? And without having to pack() everything yourself. Nice work!

Hip hip hurray!

Aristotle on 2004-08-19T11:42:17

I can't wait until this is usable smoothly.

Great job!

Other work

jplindstrom on 2004-08-19T16:12:28

Is it something like Win32::API for Unix?

Maybe you could coordinate the interfaces if it seems appropriate?

Re:Other work

chromatic on 2004-08-20T05:10:03

It's a lot like Win32::API actually, except it should work on other platforms as well.

I don't particularly like the interface to Win32::API (which looks a lot like the Win32 API, so it's clearly appropriate and just a matter of personal taste), but there are some good ideas there I can use -- especially in handling structs and alignments.