What Every Cook's Home Needs

chromatic on 2004-07-09T04:24:00

Want to make a lot of money? Invent some sort of freezer, microwave, and dishwasher-safe storage container on which you can write the name of the food and the date you stored it which washes off with soap and warm water.

If you do, send me a crate of the stuff and 2% royalties.

(It's easy to tell I'm a homeowner.)

How does that make you a home owner?

brian_d_foy on 2004-07-09T05:09:46

I like the Gladware things, a roll of masking tape, and a sharpee pen. It works well for the various jars of soup stock I keep around too.

print "Just another lowly renter, "; # :)

Re:How does that make you a home owner?

chromatic on 2004-07-09T05:52:43

That's my current solution as well. I'd like to skip a couple of steps (finding the masking tape, tearing off a piece, affixing it, dealing with frozen detached masking tape, tearing it off when I've finished using the container).

I suppose it's evidence that I've become somewhat domesticated in my "I own it, so no one else will clean it up for me" state of mind.


Dom2 on 2004-07-09T06:54:32

I wouldn't be without my Dymo Label Gun. Labels food containers just as well as rack mounted servers.


Crayola Washable Markers?

derby on 2004-07-09T12:42:44

I haven't tried them for this application but they are a snap to clean up when my toddler draws where she shouldn't.


chaoticset on 2004-07-09T15:50:30

...I wonder if a thin layer of melamine on the outside, sort of a 'permanent label', would be able to be wiped-off like a whiteboard.

Actually, now that I think of it, I almost think the Anchor Hocking storage stuff is melamine. If it is, whiteboard markers would work like magic on it. I'll have to check that out.


VSarkiss on 2004-07-09T17:21:58

I only use containers for the fridge, stuff that I would toss if it stayed more than a week anyway.

For things I put in the freezer I use baggies and write on them with a Sharpie. I do use up a lot of baggies that way, though.


chromatic on 2004-07-09T23:41:48

How do you remember what's more than a week old? That's seriously past the boundary of my attention span for fridge items.


VSarkiss on 2004-07-10T00:19:41

That's what your nose is for. ;-)