Vacation? Well, Not Really

chromatic on 2004-03-11T02:10:31

Due to a major family emergency, I'm spending the week with my parents. While that means spending time on family business -- and most definitely not on my usual work -- it does leave some other time for hacking and such.

Yesterday, I hooked Class::DBI to SQLite to Jellybean. (Yes, the latter really needs a release soon.) This isn't an academic exercise; I need a better solution to manage authors and articles. Now I have a database hooked up to a personal web server that lets me view, create, and edit author and article status information. It's a small step to write and send contracts automatically. It'll also be nice to have an API to our publishing system at work, but one step at a time.

Today, I ported Mail::Action (parent of Mail::SimpleList and Mail::TempAddress) from Mail::Internet to Mail::Message. This simplified the code slightly. More importantly, it will handle better multipart messages. I need to add a couple of enhancements, especially to signature handling, but now it's possible to send and receive attachments. Very handy. These'll probably hit the CPAN in the next couple of days as I revise the documentation.

Tomorrow or Friday I ought to port SDL Parrot to the new object system. I'm waiting for Leo, Dan, or Melvin to add the nice IMCC shortcuts, though. It's terrible being an early adopter and a trailblazer.

I also have some minor patches to Text::WikiFormat lying around. Oh, and there's SDL Perl stuff to manage, too. Still, progress is progress.