My secret project of the past week has finally reached a point where I'm ready to share it. You can now download Paper Maché Monsters from a CPAN mirror near you. It's not brilliant, featureful, or even particularly fun to play, but I really like the concept, I'm proud of the code, and I think it's four or five features away from being playable.
I cleaned up the line of sight algorithm last night and finished the documentation this afternoon. Then I spent a couple of hours hacking up a decent SDL display. It's not on the CPAN yet, but you can grab Games::PMM::SDL from my site. You'll need Perl SDL and, probably, a Unixy system. It needs documentation and a bit of cleanup, especially as I need better graphics than the Gnome icon I borrowed, but it really brings the game to life.
Run the program with a commands file. (It can be as simple as "forward", "turn right". That's a good test.) Press ENTER to start and ENTER after every turn.
[ovid@ovid Games-PMM-SDL]$ perl -Ilib/
"SDL_HWSURFACE" is not exported by the SDL module
"SDL_SRCCOLORKEY" is not exported by the SDL module
Can't continue after import errors at lib//Games/PMM/ line 5
The line in question, of course, is:
Poking through the code and taking a wild guess led me to not import those constants and instead hardcode the package name when they're called: SDL_perl::SDL_HWSURFACE(). I don't know if that worked, though, as I got to the following error and stopped.
[ovid@ovid Games-PMM-SDL]$ perl -Ilib
Can't locate auto/SDL/ in @INC (@INC contains: lib...
SDL installed just fine through the CPAN, but I do wonder if there is something obvious that I'm overlooking.
Re:Don't See No Monsters Here
chromatic on 2003-11-30T20:45:16
I was afraid that might happen. I've installed SDL 2.03 which appears to be available only through CVS from
Dave Göhrig, the maintainer, went on an extended backpacking trip at the end of October and gave up maintainership, though it appears that no one has taken over for him. I kinda wish I had time to do that.
Someone should bundle up 2.x and release it to the CPAN or else port my code to use whichever version is on the CPAN already. Sorry for the mishap!
Re:Don't See No Monsters Here
chromatic on 2003-12-01T06:05:35
Actually, Tels' forked SDL Perl may do the trick. It's available for download.
I've e-mailed the SDL Perl list to see if anyone's or working to take over maintainership. Hopefully someone will do so soon.