Perl XP Training Wiki

chromatic on 2003-09-26T04:16:41

After a day of thinking about it and an evening of setting it up and another night of thinking about it and a few minutes of writing up story cards, I'm proud to announce Perl XP Training. (You know, perl -cw.)

There are three story cards up right now, ready for anyone to implement. They're not spectacular or much, but they'll start putting pieces together to do bigger and better things.

It remains to be seen whether this will pan out — everyone might think it's a useless idea or the people I'm trying to reach won't care. That's fine; I haven't invested much. I do think the idea is workable, though.

If you're interested in learning how XP can work, how to get started in an open source project, how to become a better programmer, or how it might be possible to write a multi-player online game in Perl, drop by. (Also, if you're curious about how in the world this just might work, feel free to check it out.)

If I still think this is a good idea tomorrow morning, I'll post it on Perl Monks. Feel free to pass around the URL to individuals you think might be interested, but please don't make it public just yet. One more night of sleeping on it will help.

Edit (11:30 am PDT the next day): Okay, I fixed the permissions. You can now edit the existing Wiki pages. Oops.

Darn fine idea :-)

Adrian on 2003-10-02T16:42:42

I'll probably have a whirl at a story this weekend for fun.

Re:Darn fine idea :-)

chromatic on 2003-10-02T19:36:43

That means I'll have to write several more stories. I didn't expect to have four finished in the first week (five days)!

Re:Darn fine idea :-)

Adrian on 2003-10-03T11:03:51

Well, that will teach you to have a good idea!