
chromatic on 2003-09-15T06:32:58

Aside from some minor hacking on directory views, I spent an hour or two writing documentation for Jellybean. I've said before that I hate writing documentation (which is weird, as I enjoy writing and make a very enjoyable living as a technical editor and writer) and that documentation helps me figure out nasty bits in my code. If it's embarrassing to document, it needs to be cleaned up and perhaps rethought.

Fortunately, only a couple of things came to mind today. My directory work is only partially complete, as there's really no good way to switch sorting views currently. That's a minor thing. Another documented yucklet is the way formatters are associated with requests. It's just bad, but I don't have any better ideas at the moment. Something's shifting darkly at the edges of my understanding. When it comes into the light, I'll make it happen.

Whatever the case, 0.30 is not quite ready yet. I'd like to make more improvements on the Wiki portion, but they're reasonably small and simple and I can break them down into proper pieces. I made another tarball, so the latest Jellybean::Engine is well-worth the download, if you need a small, easily-extended Perl-based webserver.

On a more personal note, aside from a huge pile of dishes in the sink (casualties of an eight-person lunch fest, with leftover dishes from a couple of meals yesterday), the common areas of my house are clean and reasonably tidy — certainly tidier than normal. Here's hoping to raise my standard of tidy a few notches.

Oh, yes. I scheduled my first vacation in a year for two weeks from yesterday. A whole week, with a weekend to recover afterward. That'll be quite nice.


pudge on 2003-09-16T22:39:17

Yeah, I have one coming up in October. I've had some "vacations" over the years, but this will be my first one that is not related to work or my parents or my wife's parents. Our first real vacation ...