eumm-migrate - easy way to migrate to Module::Build

chorny on 2009-12-29T20:35:30

Continuing celebration of Perl birthday...

ExtUtils::MakeMaker is a well known and well problematic module for installing Perl modules.

eumm-migrate is a tool I wrote to migrate from ExtUtils::MakeMaker to Module::Build. It executes Makefile.PL with fake ExtUtils::MakeMaker and rewrites all parameters for WriteMakefile into corresponding params of Module::Build->new. Calls to 'prompt' are also intercepted and corresponding 'prompt' is written to Build.PL. All other info should be ported manually.

Install App::EUMM::Migrate from CPAN and just run (it will be in your PATH) in directory with Makefile.PL. If you use Github, Internet connection is recommended.

eumm-migrate tries to automatically detect some properties like license, minimum Perl version required and repository used.

If someone needs it, I can also add a Module::Install writer.

P.S. If you want to just use new features of EU::MM, see eumm-upgrade.