Perlcritic standalone for Windows

chorny on 2009-08-31T12:44:43

Installing Perl::Critic from CPAN may be hard for a beginner, but I consider perlcritic useful for them too. Possible problems are using CPAN shell and failing installations of modules. Of course you can use it directly on, but you will not be able to use command line options like verbosity level and there can be privacy concerns. So I decided to create an executable for Windows. It was necessary to patch Module::ScanDeps to pack Perl::Critic correctly. I committed changes to SVN and when new version will be released, you will be able to build it yourself on any OS. Command line to build is > pp -M PPI::XS -M Readonly::XS %PATH_TO_YOUR_BIN%/perlcritic

PPI::XS and Readonly::XS are C versions of parts of PPI and Readonly. They are used automatically by corresponding modules when they are available.

Now beginners can use Perl::Critic without installing it. I'm planning to update this file periodically. I also want to make Perl::Critic more friendly to beginners.

Please link to - page with instructions, not to exe file directly.

If you want to use Perl::Critic on iPhone, it recently became available in Cydia repository.


azawawi on 2009-09-01T06:46:48

That's really great news. Keep up the awesome work :)

You can skip PPI::XS if you want...

Alias on 2009-09-02T02:16:54

It only adds 1%-3% performance boost, not really worth the extra work in this situation.