Tinker, Tinker

chaoticset on 2001-10-05T06:16:22

I've been fiddling with the code.

I threw the old stuff out; tried to see if my splitting was going to work the way I wanted (temp variables split into, then reuse them) and it does. So does my format; so does the rest of it. So do my filehandle openings.

So what's the problem here?

Well, I ditched the unless in favor of something more straightforward. (Unless has its place, but it's not here.) I'm rooting through my Bookshelf and a solution should come right up.

I know this:

It's reading it out of the file and into $_, like it's supposed to. However, if I print $_, the value is gone like a thief in the night. What the hell? Is that normal?

Will check that.

Second, I haven't been able to get it to read it out of the *array* yet, just straight from the file. That's going to be awfully inconvenient, I think.

Maybe not out-of-the-ballpark inconvenient, but...I don't want to do it that way if I don't have to. I need to figure out complex data structures at some point; no reason to coddle myself now.

Back to my drawing board. (I so love that thing.)