
chaoticset on 2002-10-28T17:07:06

I was, when it started to work.

Turns out Win2k isn't all that finicky about the move function (provided by File::Copy). Exchange server automatically write-protects everything on the virtual drive.

Procedure for this is going to run something like this...

  1. Copy the whole of the Exchange server's monitor box to another working directory
  2. Run Censoraid to sort through all the emails and leave only unopenables and suspicious ones to check
  3. Manually confirm that there is no harsh/threatening language in the email, or, if there is, take disciplinary action against the students involved
  4. Manually delete, through Exchange, the entire directory's worth of emails to check.
As far as I can tell, I can automate everything except the last two completely, and can automate the checking to some degree (create a checking/tagging system, which I'm looking at later, where you can confirm or deny profanity on a case-by-case basis.) The last one's the kicker: Exchange won't let other things delete the files themselves. I may be able to massage some system calls into telnetting into Exchange and doing it that way, but that way lies madness...

Madness, schmadness. I'm all excited because my friggin' code finally works. Yeeee-HAW!

Quick Addendum: Les reiterated to me that a GUI for this whole process might be ideal, and perhaps he's right. Let's see...Perl/Tk comes standard with the Activestate distribution, doesn't it... :)