No, I'm not going to sit around and theorize about time; just a quick explanation. It's always good, I am told, to allow creative endeavors to simmer; sometimes to let them sit, with no heat underneath at all. This way it's worked on by lower functions, mental capacities that aren't consciously used. The equivalent function in physics or cooking would seem to be evaporation instead of boiling; they're both useful, and they both have their moments, and sometimes you have to do a little of both.
Well, all that plus I have homework to do and a wrecked futon to replace. That stuff isn't perl.
if ($person1 + $person2 > 500*pound) { futon(creak); futon(bend); futon(break); }
Okay, I couldn't resist that.
Rest assured (if anybody is even reading this but me!) that I'll be a-crackin' again just as soon as inhumanly possible.