I may not have been posting, but I have been coding...a little, anyway.
I gotta say that I'm really, really liking my new job way too much. Case in point -- yesterday, when I got home from work, I literally couldn't find anything to do until after ten-fifteen or so, even though I got home at 4:30. I like being at work. I like pretty much everybody I have to work with.
This is rare.
Anyway, that's got nothing to do with coding, except that I do less of it lately due to my current schedule un-settledness. I figure in a week or two, when I'm used to not working Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, I won't have any problems working on projects.
I've kind of started working on barebones object code, based partly off perlboot and partly off stuff from _Advanced Perl Programming_. I'm hoping I can turn it into a framework for game building, but that's pretty ambitious. For now, I'll be happy that the notification messages it shows me swell my ego.
I'm about one-third of the way through all the journal entries I've been missing, so, um...could everyone stop posting until, say, tomorrow morning? ;P
I'll catch up tomorrow. Tonight, I'm going off in search of info about destructors, so that the apocalypse method call in my code doesn't just print "Universe ended...".