Um, I mean, I got a bunch of things put together in Newser, including the logo, the banner div section, the second CSS (it's got switchable CSS, one that turns off the "stories" div and makes the tools div much wider (called 'singletool', appropriately)), the submit story function, the lookup for username, and I used unpack successfully to rip a timestamp apart and produce a nicely formatted date and time for display purposes.
I got a lot done, surprisingly.
Tomorrow. Search function. (Keywords only, this isn't going to be rocket science or anything.) Implement the authentication (right now, I have the idea that having two ids -- one that's pure session and one that's combined session/authentication -- would produce those effects where the system can verify both separately...but it sounds like more than I can manage before tomorrow's over). If I have to, I'll skip one or the other (probably the search, seeing as how authentication would be more important for a dinky little news site).
I start training for my job Monday. It's a job job, something to pay bills with, but it's also at a place that I really liked in some ways (A/C, low-pressure) and didn't in others (poorly managed at times). Well, that's not entirely true, either. It's in the same building, and it's roughly the same work, but it's a different company now.
If nothing else, it'll be a way to pay bills until I can snag an internship this fall -- with the bonus that I can continue to code in my spare time.