I have just decided which system I will attempt to learn a little bit of in order to speed (and, hopefully polish) my final project with.
The way I chose it is the shameful bit, and I just realized it.
"Let's see...PPM, install HTML::Mason, install HTML::Template...
"Now...perl. use HTML::Mason; __END__. Errors. Bugger that.
"perl. use HTML::Template; __END__. No errors. Well, that's good then."
I know. I'm sure Mason has a lot going for it, but "workingness" is kind of important at this very moment in time. I promise I'll come back and massage Mason a little to get it working someday, Perl Scouts Honor.
"Remember, necessity is the mother of invention. *pause* "Don't know who the father was. Probably desperation."<The Red Green Show>
Note to self: Start a Perl Scouts group or something. It could be clever. :\
HTML::Mason and HTML::Template are two different beasts. IIRC, HTML::Template is a straightforward, simple templating module that can be used outside of a web request; HTML::Mason is geared to work inside a webserver (CGI, mod_perl, etc.) and gives you much more functionality but also has a greater learning curve.
But if you're looking for templating modules, you'd do yourself a favor to check out the Template Toolkit. (PPM available) Just my 2c
chaoticset on 2002-06-14T17:06:43
I'll take a look, but a little investigation has made me think that HTML::Template is right up my alley for this project.I'll go back and learn about Mason anyway, just because it's Some Other Way, but it'll have to be after the project.
Think of the badges people could earn! I love the idea!
Camel Scout
gizmo_mathboy on 2002-06-14T20:04:00
Sort of like Eagle Scout? Hmmm...Order of the Llama (Order of the Arrow). Do it show that I had a brother , grandfather, and an uncle that were big into scouts?
Odd parallel track for the Mongers to set up, no?:-) Re:Perl Scouts!
chaoticset on 2002-06-15T18:41:25
I don't know enough about scout-style organizations to suggest badges, really.A real problem would be convincing people that it doesn't diminish them, as Scouts is viewed (by some) to be a "kiddie thing".
There's also the possibility that you're joking, but it doesn't sound like the kind of joke you make.