As the line implies, that trick never works. That is, the trick of trying to build Perl.
It's like being an alien in a human-built Ford Taurus. It's fairly clear that the object is meant for ground transportation; it's pretty obvious, from the fact that there's only one, that the round thing is meant for steering. The pedals are less intuitive, but you figure you can learn how to deal with that if ONLY YOU CAN START THE FLUPNODDLE THING!
Sketchy analogies aside, my problem boils down to me not knowing if building this thing in any old directory is okay, not knowing if I have to be in a certain directory to install, etc., minor little nits that I figured would be picked. Nits that I never picked, that most people apparently never need picked.
I just can't seem to locate the explanation that contains the information I'm lacking. Yet.
I'm a little frustrated. That's bad, so I'm going to do something else for a couple hours. I've been pushing on this problem from google, from every angle but a human, and it's always the humans that answer my questions, somehow.
Funny that.