Baby Steps

chaoticset on 2002-05-11T05:24:47

Clicking on the title of the journal entry now produces the body of the entry in the text window to the left.

Next up tomorrow: Figure out why Text::Wrap isn't working, come up with a solution for wrapping said text, and strip out the most common HTML elements to promote readability.

Quick Addendum: Text::Wrap doesn't work because...I don't know why, but it doesn't have to. I'm a fool, so I missed that there's a wrap attribute for the text widget. Someday I'll learn to think in terms of objects when I'm doing objects...


koschei on 2002-05-13T14:28:32

For my useperl journal emailer (available from the perl part of my website), I cheated. I actually pipe the HTML to lynx and tell that to just dump it to stdout. Simple, fast enough and no faffing around with any modules that don't want to behave =)

And it handles all the HTML =)