
chaoticset on 2002-05-07T00:29:10

The good news is that my project scored a nice big 100%. She graded only on technical aspects and not presentation, or I'm sure I could have ended up with a bit of downgrading for sloppy presentation.

The bad news is that I'm missing 1/3rd of the assignments for the semester. Two of those I merely forgot to do because I missed class and never checked for assignments; two of those, however, I ended up putting off because they frustrated me. Browsers have a frustrating habit of not giving you decent feedback to debug with, IMHO. "But WHY don't the tags work!?" I wanted to scream several times.

That's okay. I have a whole pot of coffee in the other room, big chunks of time, and some of the assignments are half-started. Tonight, assignments, tomorrow, two take-home exams.

I will feel so much better Thursday.

tag, you're it

belg4mit on 2002-05-08T03:26:26

this is in fact one goof thing about Netscape 4 and piror. The source viewer almost always
displays the region in question (blinking I believe).

Re:tag, you're it

chaoticset on 2002-05-09T05:00:55

It's just occasional frustration. Normally I can spot my errors with a thorough going-over of the code in question, but if my nerves are sufficiently frazzled, I find myself attributing Machiavellian schemes to the computer. "It WANTS me to be mad...so I'll slip up, and then it will have the upper hand!"

It's usually nothing that a decent meal and a good night's sleep won't cure.