Decisions, Revisions

chaoticset on 2002-05-02T22:47:50

I'm probably going with the sentinel file locking. I forget why, but my mind was noodling on it earlier today, I think, and the repeated phrase that kept coming up was "sentinel file".

I don't know what to make of it yet, but I registered at DeviantArt. I do have a mild visual graphics yen at times, and I'd like to improve.

Semaphore maybe?

gizmo_mathboy on 2002-05-02T22:52:26

I would guess that sentinel and semaphore file locking are similar, just using different names.

I would think flocking should work, although using a semaphore file would be the belts and suspenders approach if the semaphore file was flocked properly.

Then again all flocking is dependent upon all apps playing according to the rules.

Re:Semaphore maybe?

chaoticset on 2002-05-02T23:08:47

My concern is due to portability issues; I want this thing to work properly anywhere it goes, and my understanding of flock is that its implementation on Win* is crappy if it's not NT-based.

Re:Semaphore maybe?

gizmo_mathboy on 2002-05-02T23:51:35

I can't recall. All of my win'ders books are at home and I haven't had a chance to go through the FAQ and perldocs to see where that stands.

IIRC, the "modern" versions of the ActiveState's Perl (not that it's different than the standards perl) handles the threading and flocking issues correctly, but some reading needs to be done.