That's what I should be doing, anyway. I have the barest elements of this script written, but my mind is remarkably happy that I've finally managed to get the design to balance out; I'm working with maximum compatibility in mind, but still need a fairly visually-appealing site. As such, I've been hardcoding tables and forms, which is not normally a problem for me; but after the fourth table is nested inside another element inside the third frameset that's underneath the upper nested get the idea. I'm entirely too pleased with just managing to get everything to scale properly in different resolutions. I haven't even run the script yet to see what tests it violates, for fear that if I do I'll be up until five trying to make it work.
I can't afford that. I have to bring the SOTF to work, meet my father, catch up on some homework at school, and then catch class, get sleep, wake up tomorrow and get to my morning class, etc. I don't have any more real free time until 1 PM the day after tomorrow.
As much as I love going to school and attempting to learn things, it'll be really nice to see summer arrive.
I think I get refs now. A little footling about with them has got me going in the right direction; now all I need to do is practice it some and see if I actually get it or if I only think I get it.
Quick Addendum: Despite said lack of actual free time, I'm dragging all my Perl stuff with me (copious printouts, CD of _Bookshelf_, Zip with 5.6.1 on it, and the Wolf book) with me to school, just in case. Going to the computer lab without Perl stuff makes me feel naked these days.