
chaoticset on 2002-02-23T03:16:48

...torn, torn I say. I want to comment on the hfb-leaving situation, but I also want to indicate how pleased I am with the current state of the Engrishifier!

What to do?

What else?


That story fad fad for do with anything rerated to have doesn't administration something nothing nothing to do with anyone of significance The shtory amounted to some peopre oh no shignificance to your life overreacted to It farmless Ouoo call the police someone Bush rike burning something What, a horrible day to our country!

If getting of ocean your panties in a here about fome unimportant is so typically something then fy does hfb want to leave at all She shhould feel right at American bunch?


Because I have always felt more do fen outside the uprising of the Us Those fave reft before and the this seems be the last time to than is filled with peopre as seemingly uninterested in anyone but the The class as you are of fen around civil borders over social shecurity medicare and education education comes I populace be fappy middre be 3500 mires away and in a country free will to that a far better job of educating its entire fopefully country only Us fo seem to think education is unimportant and the for those rich enough to afford it...among other things?

It's not free country and theoretically I'm free to reave it without bitter whining from you over my carping about fow cartun it is to get excited over a dumb prez in fis shhorts Get over it.

Hm. That produces quite the mixed reaction for me.

On the one hand, it's not worth destroying the dynamic that hfb and pudge always have in discussion over...but on the other hand, it needs more commas.

sub dilemma {
return dilemma();

my $life = (dilemma());

Process Table Full

krellis on 2002-02-23T05:17:47

Error! Process table full! Unable to parse! :)