(languages that start with P) In The Morning

chaoticset on 2006-05-18T13:23:54

My PHP class starts later today, so I took some time this morning to install PHP and PHP-related Eclipse plugins. While I was nosing around the PHP installation, I noticed that I have Python installed (which I'd forgotten about a while back). So I decided to look for some Python plugins while I'm tossing a bunch of stuff into Eclipse.

I know, I know -- PHP? Well, yeah. I've only ever had one physically painful language experience, and it was VB, and it's years behind me. Java's been wonderful to me so far, as scary as that sounds, and I'm looking forward to trying something bizarre and interesting. :)

If I have to...

sigzero on 2006-05-18T15:48:58

I always use Smarty as well:


Re:If I have to...

chaoticset on 2006-05-18T15:54:52

Looks nifty; I'll have to try it out. :)

Be prepared

Juerd on 2006-05-18T17:20:48

Please read http://tnx.nl/php, so you are mentally prepared. PHP is not like the two other languages that start with P, nor like the language that starts with R. It's a bit like the language that starts with J, but tries to look like the language of which the name of animal on the cover of its most famous book starts with C, though less OO.

The document on tnx.nl provides handy tables, useful for Perl programmers that have to work with PHP. One table helps you to pick the right string matching function, and another helps you learn the several functions that can be used in certain Perl functions' stead.

But mostly, it'll hopefully adjust your expectations so that you'll be able to cope with the psychological torture that PHP presents to many experienced programmers of other languages that start with P.

If it should fail, you can always depend on the support group that starts with A.

Re:Be prepared

Aristotle on 2006-05-18T21:22:20

Aww, it quotes me!

I’ve written about PHP separately as well.

Re:Be prepared

Aristotle on 2006-05-19T07:55:52

Also, the links to PHP: A love and hate relationship by Ivan Ristic and PHP Annoyances by Neil de Carteret are both 404. But the latter is can be found mirrored at lumphammer.net, now.

(I’d try to talk to the webmaster directly, but the page lists no contact address of any form. I hope you have some way to get in touch with whoever runs it.)

Re:Be prepared

Juerd on 2006-05-19T08:56:15

Thank you.

Re:Be prepared

chaoticset on 2006-05-19T15:44:06

Gotta love the Wayback Machine -- Ivan's address is his first name and last initial plus that domain, and the contact email for the Annoyances page is contact at its domain.

Re:Be prepared

Aristotle on 2006-05-19T21:27:32

I meant whoever runs tnx.nl, not Ivan.

Re:Be prepared

chaoticset on 2006-05-20T03:28:04

Blargh. My bad, only half-reading things I respond to...

Ruby's R is P with tail

mr_bean on 2006-05-20T07:47:24

At YAPC::Asia, ingy told Matz that the R in
Ruby was a P which had grown a long tail, and
Matz put it in his blog.