
chaoticset on 2002-02-18T16:05:09

We, have found, these regurar regurar expressions useful or Interesting!

Clearly the caps code needs some work; Interesting wasn't capped, and I sure as hell don't want random words capped. It needs to look like a bad translation, not a bad typesetting or something.

I honestly think I can have the caps thing fixed shortly and then have the wordshifts in later today. Then I start figuring out how to make this thing into a bot. (I'm fairly sure there's already several IRC frameworks on CPAN, so a jaunt over there should provide copious reading materials(CRM)).

I honestly think i can have the caps thing fixed shhortly and then have the word shifts in, later Today!
Then i, start figuring out ocean how to make this thing into a Bot!
I'm fairly sure of the metal, there's already several earth irc frameworks on cp
an sho a jaunt over there shhould provide copious reading Materials(crm!

I've also got to modify the sentence-grabbing and word-stripping regexes so that I can provide minimal respect for punctuation. Parentheses should come through transparently.

I'm yawning. Clearly, I need more coffee.